B.A., Economics

Bachelor of Arts

想要了解消费者和企业的行为方式? 对于有志于掌握理论和实践技能的学生来说,这是我们市场驱动世界的核心, 我们的课程提供了对现代社会经济动态的360度了解.

Students aiming to become bankers, business managers, market researchers, budget analysts, 或者其他从事需要了解经济复杂性的职业的人,将非常适合这个学位的成功. 学生将学习区分不同的市场结构,并运用经济增长理论分析案例电子游戏正规平台, unemployment, and inflation.




Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. 

View Articulation Agreements


Fall Enrollment
August 1
Spring Enrollment
December 1
Summer Enrollment
April 15
Rolling Admission
After deadlines, as space permits.


Start Your Application


Boston College
Woods College of Advancing Studies Admissions Office
St. Mary's Hall South
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

*Current Woods College Undergraduate degree students 有兴趣在他们的学习计划中增加一个证书应该 not use the online application. 

Declare your certificate here

Academic transcripts

Submit the following:

  • 正式高中成绩单与学位授予日期或正式GED
  • 所有以前就读的学院或大学的正式大学成绩单

如果你被授予副学士学位,你可以提交一份 Attestation Form in lieu of an official high school transcript. The completed form can be sent to wcasadm@vacuumbeltsdirect.com

Please mail transcripts to:

Boston College
Woods College of Advancing Studies Admissions Office
St. Mary's Hall South
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

如果你的学术机构提供电子成绩单,请注明 wcasadm@vacuumbeltsdirect.com as the recipient.

母语不是英语的申请人必须填写 demonstrate English language proficiency,有关要求分数,请访问我们的国际学生页面.

International Student page


To be uploaded to your online Application Form.

请根据下面列出的主题之一提交一篇文章. 该文章应打字,双倍行距,并应限制在500 - 750字的长度.

这篇文章对招生委员会来说是必不可少的,因为它可以让委员会评估你的个人目标, 你选择你申请的课程的原因, your commitment to your educational goals, and your writing ability. 

  1. Discuss your reason(s) for applying to the B.A. 伍兹高等电子游戏正规平台学院的项目. Support your reasons with specific examples.
  2. 讨论你的学术目标,以及它们如何应用于你计划的职业和/或生活目标.


Application Fee

Application fee: $45

  • Paid through online application.


Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation are required. 信件必须由推荐人通过我们的在线申请门户网站直接发送,或者直接发送到伍兹学院(wcasadm@vacuumbeltsdirect.com).

Please note: 推荐信应该由能够说明你的专业或学术能力的推荐人提供.

如果您在获得第二封推荐信方面有困难,请发送电子邮件 wcasadm@vacuumbeltsdirect.com 安排与本科招生副主任的面试. 这次面试将代替第二封推荐信.

International Students

1. 英语语言能力要求(托福成绩90-100分)

For additional information about scores, visit our International Student page.

2. Interview

面向所有国际学生和非英语母语人士, 面试是申请过程的一部分.

面试的目的是让招生委员会更好地了解申请人,以及该项目如何满足他或她的学术和职业需求. Additionally, 面试为委员会提供了一个机会来评估学生的具体信息,并解决学生在过渡到电子游戏软件时可能存在的独特需求.  The interview will last no more than 15 minutes.  面试只会在提交申请后安排.

3. Transcript Evaluation

All students who have, or are currently attending, 美国以外的机构必须提供详细的, 每门课程的成绩单评估表明:

学士学位申请者:授予相当于美国学士学位的中学学位.S. high school’s degree from an accredited institution.

对于硕士申请者:授予本科学位,相当于美国硕士学位.S. bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

This evaluation is not just an English translation, 但是一个由认可的评估机构提供的文件显示了所有的等级, course titles, credit hours, United States degree equivalency, grade-point average (GPA), and date of degree conferral.

Please request a detailed, 以下机构授予学位的所有国际机构的逐门课程成绩单评估:

Educational Credential Evaluators
P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470


Center for Educational Documentation
P.O. Box 170116
Boston, MA 02117


450 Seventh Ave, Suite 804
New York, NY 10123



World Education Services Inc.
P.O. Box 5087
Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087



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